541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

SUMMER CAMPS – There are a lot of opportunites this summer to be involved in some great camps and activities. Check out the desk by the library with all the registration and information flyers.

TRACK PARTY – Anyone who has their parent permission slip for the track swim party next week, you can bring them to the office today.

CERAMICS – Mrs. Mullin’s ceramics class are meeting upstairs in her math class this afternoon – don’t go down to the art room.

PAY IT FORWARD/PASS IT ON – Let’s finish school year strong by paying forward and passing it on. When someone does something nice for you, take the opportunity to pass on that kindness to someone else. Look for opportunities throughout your day to say someone nice to someone or do something nice for someone else. You will end up feeling good and the receiver of your kindness with feel good, too. Kindness counts ALL the time. Pass it on.

LAST WEEK SPIRIT WEEK – We are almost there, hornets. Next week is our last week of school – can you believe it?! So let’s make it amazing, have some fun, and dress-up in the theme of the week day.

  • Monday is “Merica Monday”-Wear all the red, white, and blue you can muster.
  • Tuesday is “Tropical Tuesday” – Wear all the tropical and Hawaiian garb you can find!
  • Wednesday – “Who am I Wednesday” Dress up like someone famous, your grandma, your bestie, your dentist…someone other than yourself!
  • Thursday is “School Colors Day” – 6th grade wear white, 7th grade wear black, and 8th grade wear gold.
  • Friday is “Rodeo Friday” – Since the rodeo is in town that weekend, let’s get ready for it and dress up in all our rodeo and western attire.

8TH GRADE P R A N K – If you want to participate in the 8th grade prank, you MUST sign up with Ms. Edwards today, in between classes or lunch time. Ms. Edwards is NOT available after school! When you sign up with her today, she will give you a form that must be completed and signed by your parents. That form is due on Monday, June 10th.