541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to our marvelous Mrs. Mahler! Have a wonderful and marvelous birthday today!

WINTER SPORTS – Sign-ups are happening now up at Peggy’s office. There is 7th & 8th girls basketball, wrestling for boys and girls in all three grades, and cheerleading for all three grades. There is athletic paperwork, so check with Peggy. Girls wanting to try-out for cheerleading, there is also a parent information sheet for you, so stop by and get one.

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE! Today is Wednesday, which means we have that wacky schedule where lunch is AFTER 5th period and TODAY will be having an assembly – so go to your homeroom classes first and you will go the gym for the assembly with your homeroom teachers.

HOMEWORK HELP – There is homework help today after school for an hour from 1:25 to 2:25. This is a great opportunity to get caught up on assignments in your classes and get the extra help you might need by working with our instructional assistants. Take advantage of this time to get the help you need! You will need to come to the office to sign up if you are staying after school today because you will need a late bus approved by Shirley. Students cannot stay after school to just hang out with friends – this is a work time not a play time.

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY ? BBQ chicken sandwich or variety bar choices.