541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DANCE – Tonight is the BIG BIG night where we get to hang out together, dance, eat pizza, get our faces painted, spin the wheel of fortune, take photos with our friends in the photo booth, and it all starts at 5:30 tonight! The Nightmare Christmas dance ends at 7:30, so please make sure your grown-up knows to pick you up at that time. Admission to the dance is $5 and other items at the dance will run from $1 to $2. It is going to be a really fun night together tonight – let’s celebrate while also being safe, respectful, and responsible. Please remember the dance expectations that your teachers have been reviewing with you.

RED RIBBON WEEK – Today is TELL DRUGS TO TAKE A HIKE day this Thursday of Red Ribbon Week. We are reminded that this year’s them is Be Kind To Your Mind; Live Drug Free. Staying drug free means investing in your current and future health. You don’t have to use drugs to fit in our have fun. There are other ways to belong and have fun. Be yourself and not who you think someone else wants or pressures you to be. Celebrate your uniqueness and show it to the world.

END OF 1ST QUARTER – Today is the LAST DAY of the first quarter of school. Can you believe it? Your teachers are preparing your report cards tomorrow, so you will have no school. Enjoy your three-day weekend.

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY? Macaroni & cheese or variety bar choices