CUPID SHUFFLE – Our annual Valentine dance, or otherwise known this year as the Cupid Shuffle, is happening Friday night from 5:30 to 7:30. Admission to the dance is $5.00. There will be a photo booth, cake walk, food, face painting, and heaps of fun Friday night!
SUPER BOWL BOARD – The annual Super Bowl Board is up by the offices. Grab a football, put your name on it, and tape it to the team you pick to win the Super Bowl on Sunday – KC Chiefs or the SF 49’ers.
YEARBOOKS – There is still time to order your 23/24 yearbook! Yearbooks are $25 and can be purchased online or at the school offices. Deadline to order is March 22nd.
LIBRARY NEWS – All art projects from last quarter that are in the library need to get picked up today or they will be thrown away today.
WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY? Corn dog or variety bar choices