541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

ETS TODAY – Students in ETS will be meeting today with Keeley during 7th period. Please meet her in front of the library after 6th period today.

LUNCH FOOTBALL – For the remainder of the school year, 2-hand touch football will not be allowed during lunch recess on campus. There will be a designated grass area for the use of school athletic balls and equipment. Please do not bring football or basketballs or any other equipment to school.

PANDA EXPRESS/FBLA – This weekend on Saturday, you have an opportunity to get some great eats at Panda Express in Roseburg AND help support your buddies in FBLA. Flyers will be going home with you today about how to participate in this yummy fundraiser. You can visit Panda Express in Roseburg on Saturday, April 27th, from 10am to 10pm; bring the flyer with you, order online with the fundraiser code, or order on the Panda Express app. Proceeds will go towards helping FBLA students go the nationals in Orlando, Florida in June.

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY? Cheesy breadsticks w/marinara or variety bar choices