541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

COOKIE DOUGH/POPCORN – Hornets, your cookie dough and popcorn orders are due TODAY!! Please turn the money and orders in to your Advisor teacher. If you forgot your orders and money, please call your grown-up to see if they can bring it to you today.

THREE-DAY WEEKEND! – There will be no school on Monday in honor of the Veteran’s Day holiday. Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Enjoy your three-day weekend but please remember why we get to have one – because of the men and women who serve in our nation’s military.

LOCKERS! Please remember to put your backpacks in your lockers. Backpacks do not belong in the halls outside the classroom. The halls and lost and found is NOT your bedroom where you just leave things laying around.

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY? Big City Bites with teriyaki chicken brown rice bowl with broccoli or variety bar choices.