541-863-3104 Fax: 541-863-5187 *591 NE Rice Street *Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

What’s happening today? Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023

READ-TOBER CHALLENGE – Test yourself to read as many books as you can this month with the Read-Tober Challenge! Win prizes like posters, books, and candy! Pick up a flyer in the library from Ms. Chapman for further instructions. LUNCH RECESS – Hornets, it...

What’s happening today? Monday, 9/25/23

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. WET SHOES – We will begin having rainy weather, so please remember to wipe your feet when you come into the building from the wet weather. We have also had some students squeaking their shoes down...

What’s happening today? 9/19/23

BATTLE OF THE BOOKS – If you love to read and would like to join Battle of the Books, please see Ms. Chapman in the library. WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODAY? Chicken nuggets with roll or variety bar choices

What’s happening today? Tuesday, 9/12/23

STUDENT STORE – The student store in now open during the first eight minutes of break time in Mrs. Osborne’s room. There is a variety of drinks and snacks for you to purchase. Please be respectful in Mrs. Osborne’s room or out in the hall while you...

WHAT’S HAPPENING TODAY? Tuesday, 8/29/23

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year, hornets!! We are so happy to have you all back with us for some fabulous learning and life skills! This is going to be an amazing year – just you wait and see! FLAG CREW – The front office is looking for students who...