541-839-4396 Fax:839- 6528 * 124 North Main, Canyonville, OR 97417

Mrs. Nicole Beasley

5th Grade

Google Classroom (classroom.google.com)

Username: first name initial, last name, @susd.k12.or.us

Password: capital initial of last name, @11, lunch number

Class code: sxdtabv

Contact number for me: 541-375-0703 please send a text to this number, so that we can arrange your desired method and time for contact.


Class code:  txpzwp

Password: 1234


Username:  first and last name, no spaces, no caps

Password:  Tigers14

Prodigy usernames and passwords are very specific contact me privately at nicole.beasley@susd.k12.or.us


Class code: BCACCE

Password: 1122

Username: you will have to contact me at my email.  This is very specific to each student.


Class code: ptg2347