Phone: (541) 863-3115 • 558 Chadwick Ln • Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

South Umpqua School District

Unlocking the Potential in Every Student! 

Free mental health resources are available to support your child. Learn more at ParentGuidance.Org

PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident Notification

We learned that PowerSchool, a provider of cloud-based software, providing services to over 60 million students and over 18 thousand educational organizations, experienced a data security incident (“PowerSchool Incident” or “Incident”). Their services include document management, enrollment assistance, form provision and content collection, curriculum and instruction assistance, behavioral support, college application and employment assistance, and a number of other services. South Umpqua School District is a customer of PowerSchool and was notified that its current and former students, educators, and parents and guardians of current and former students may have been affected by the PowerSchool Incident.

PowerSchool will notify those that are eligible for identity protection.

Jan. 29, 2025 - Update from PowerSchool regarding indentity protection services

Today, January 29, 2025, PowerSchool initiated the process of notifying individuals whose information was determined to be involved.

As previously mentioned, PowerSchool has engaged Experian, a trusted credit reporting agency, to provide complimentary identity protection and credit monitoring services to current and former students and educators that had information exfiltrated from PowerSchool SIS. PowerSchool is doing this regardless of whether an individual’s Social Security Number was exfiltrated. In the coming weeks, Experian (on behalf of PowerSchool) will be distributing direct email notifications to involved individuals for whom PowerSchool has sufficient contact information.

Additionally, PowerSchool has worked with Experian to set up a dedicated, toll-free call center to answer any questions associated with these offerings and the incident. All the information regarding the activation of and access to these services will be included in the email sent to you by Experian. Whether or not you receive an email, you may also visit PowerSchool’s website to learn how to activate the offering from Experian, linked here:

FAQs for Families and Educators

For frequently asked questions, visit:

School News

Budget Committee

NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE VACANCIES Three vacancies exist on the Budget Committee of South Umpqua School District #19.  The vacancies are Canyonville Zone 1, Position 2, Canyonville Zone 1,...

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Superintendent Message Jan 25

Superintendent MessageJanuary 2025 Update Dear South Umpqua School District Families,  Welcome to 2025! I am hopeful that you were able to spend some additional time with family over the past few...

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December Message from Superintendent

Superintendent MessageDecember 2024 Update Dear South Umpqua Community, I cannot believe we are almost ready for the winter break! My first semester in South Umpqua has gone by so fast! I have...

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Budget Committee Vacancy. Learn more here

Title IX Coordinator: Kate McLaughlin

541-863-3115 Ext: 56001

Title IX Training 

Title IX Training 02/12/2024 Part 1

Title IX Training 02/14/2024 Part 2

504 Coordinator: Emily Veale  

541-863-3115 ext: 56005


Title II Coordinator: Kate McLaughlin

541-863-3115 ext. 56011
