Phone: (541) 863-3115 • 558 Chadwick Ln • Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

South Umpqua School District

Safety and Security Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

For our students’ safety and security, SUSD schools regularly run standard safety drills.  Safety is SUSD’s top priority, and we want to ensure that our staff and students know how to properly respond to all situations.

The drills we will continue to practice will include fire drills, earthquake drills, lock down drills, and evacuation drills. For safety reasons, we do not notify our families or the community before conducting drills. In the event of an actual emergency, parents will be notified by school staff as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Erika Bare
SUSD Superintendent



Dear SUSD Families,

The South Umpqua School District, in cooperation with local Douglas County law enforcement, has been diligently updating the district safety plan based on the most up to date information on best practice for use in case of a crisis or other emergency. This safety plan was developed after examining numerous plans from across the country and carefully crafting one to meet the unique needs of our schools and community.

The safety plan was developed to cover most possible emergencies including, but not limited to:

● Fires
● Intruder on campus
● Power outages
● Earthquakes
● Lockdown situations (direct threat on campus)

To maintain safety for our staff and students the plan will not be publicly available, but some details can be shared if necessary. The safety plan has been designed to be the same at all schools. It was created this way so responding law enforcement will have general knowledge of how to respond appropriately regardless of what school they respond to. It also allows substitutes and other district employees to be able to move from school to school while having a basic knowledge of the plan.

The plan is under constant refinement and will change as needed. No safety plan can deal with all possible hazards or guarantee the safety of everyone involved. However, it has been shown that having a plan in place and practicing emergency procedures dramatically increases the safety of the students and staff.

We appreciate you taking the time to read, understand, and follow these safety guidelines. In doing so you are supporting local law enforcement and our schools in providing a safe environment for your children.

Erika Bare


Our district has adopted the “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). The protocol is based on five actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter.

Here is a link to the protocol: I Love U Guys SRP


The safety of your child is of the utmost concern for the South Umpqua School District. We will, to the best of our ability, do what is necessary to have your child returned to you safely each school day. To support our district in case of emergency please review these guidelines.

  1. While you may want to get to your child as quickly as possible, we ask that you do not respond to the school unless directed to do so.
    • The streets surrounding the school may be blocked by emergency equipment and your efforts to get through them may hamper operations and jeopardize the safety of students and staff.
    • Staying in the immediate area could block the arrival of additional
    • Wait for communication from the school district for updates and/or (Confirm with your child’s school that your contact information is up to date.)
    • Emergency services may be blocking the streets and will direct you to the location where you can pick up your child if necessary.
  1. We realize it is important for you to talk with your children, but we ask that you do not use the cell phone to call This will tie up the system, which could also hamper operations. Use text messaging as that does not use as much bandwidth as calling. Staff will allow your children to call you, if safe to do so.
  1. Reunification sites can be utilized for multiple Once at the reunification site, do not leave. We will be sending students to this location as quickly as possible.
  • Predetermined locations have been identified for the reunification of families and students and these locations depend on the type of These locations will not be disclosed ahead of time.
  • Please be The evacuation of your student may take some time, but this will be done as quickly and safely as possible.
  • For an efficient process, please listen and follow the procedures of staff members on school sites and/or reunification site.
  1. In larger lockdown situations, as we experienced last spring, there may be multiple schools placed on lockdown as a safety precaution.

5. If the school is in lockdown (all interior and external doors are secure) you will not be allowed in school buildings. The staff members have instructions to not open the doors to anyone except law Please wait for further information from the school district.

6. Do not call the police department for All members of the department, including Dispatch, will be very busy dealing with the emergency at hand and will not have time to talk or to pass on information. The school district will be working to inform families in as timely a manner as possible given an emergency.

Thank you for working with us to support our staff and students if we must navigate an emergency. You taking the time to review these guidelines will help us to be able to respond to emergencies effectively.