Student Services
Emily Veale
Director of Student Services and Disrict TAG Coodinator
541-863-3115 x 56005
Student Services
The South Umpqua School District Office of Student Services oversees the special education and student related interventions and resources throughout the districts five school sites. These programs address and are designed to meet the social, behavioral, and academic needs of the students within the district. The district priorities are imbedded into the programs and services we offer. The district guiding principles are managed through these offices that are person centered and designed to assist parents, students, and schools with meeting the goals of a successful school experience. Among the services offered through the Office of Student Services:
Special education testing and evaluations
Special Programs funded under IDEA
Section 504 and American with Disabilities Act supports
Student and family services/supports
Homeless Liaison and McKinney-Vento Act supports
Specialized transportation
Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Coordination into public school
Functional Behavioral assessments and Behavior Support Plans
Threat Assessments
Family Intervention Supports
Tutoring and tutor referrals
Alternative Education Supports (AES)and referral
Intradistrict/Interdistrict school transfers
English Language Learner (ELL) Evaluations and support
Coordinates home/hospital educational discharge services
Supports the district based discipline processes and expulsions
Coordinates services with Douglas County Mental Health
The Office of Student Services is coordinated out of the district offices site at 558 SW Chadwick Lane between the South Umpqua High and Tri-City Elementary Schools.
Title IX Coordinator: Kate McLaughlin 541-863-3115
Homeless Liaison and Foster Care Point of Contact: Emily Veale 541-863-3115
Suicide Prevention Plan
Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing Policies and Procedures
The South Umpqua School District takes acts of aggression towards others very seriously. Please see the links below for information about hazing/harassment/intimidation/bullying/menacing.
Hazing/harassment/intimidation/bullying/menacing Board Policy
Hazing/harassment/intimidation/bullying/menacing Complaint Procedure
SafeOregon is a program created for Oregon students, parents, school staff, community members and law enforcement officers to report and respond to student safety threats. Report a tip
Annual Report – Restraint and Seclusion Data