On Nov. 18 South Umpqua High School students and staff filled the cafeteria for a schoolwide Thanksgiving feast. The celebration included fan favorites . . . turkey, ham, stuffing, rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, cranberry sauce, desserts, and more!
From autumn-themed decorated tables, orange balloons and background music, everything was extra special.
This was the perfect opportunity to bring staff and students together at the same time to visit and enjoy a leisurely (and delicious) meal.
“We are so excited that this is happening,” said Carl Simpson, South Umpqua High School principal as he welcomed people. “We’re grateful for everyone who helped this come together. This is the first time since 2019 that we’ve organized this.”
The success of this memorable event was made possible thanks to the dedicated nutrition services team, student leadership, facilities crew, staff and students. The school administrators funded the purchase of meat, drinks and dessert. Plus, Timber Country Coca-Cola donated many of the drinks (a special treat) and Sweet Confections Bakery of Myrtle Creek made so many tasty desserts from cupcakes to elegant cookies (another special treat).
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