Congratulations to Jessica Norton, the 2023 – 24 Regional Teacher of the Year!
Regional Teacher of the Year
The results are in! Join us in congratulating Jessica Norton as the Regional Teacher of the Year in Douglas County. She teaches special education and home economics at Coffenberry Middle School in our school district.
There are more than 800 (PreK-12) public school teachers in Douglas County, and one teacher of the year.
The big news was announced at a Coffenberry Middle School assembly. Thanks to the Oregon Department of Education’s partnership with the Oregon Lottery, Jessica was awarded $1,000, which will be used to benefit students.
Principal Lind congratulates Jessica Norton.
We’re thankful for this leader who helps all students do their best work and become their best selves.
“Differentiating and meeting each student where they’re at is my jam,” Jessica shared. “I was a student who learned differently, so I am a big advocate for aligning myself as a teacher.”
Those who endorsed this inspirational teacher said that Jessica
Is an advocate, motivator, and friend.
Has become that teacher with specialty skills and perseverance. Every child for her is an educational priority.
Always looking for innovative ways to provide our students with skills that will last a lifetime.
Coffenberry Middle School counselor, Ari Maloney (left) nominated Jessica Norton for the Teacher of the Year Award.
Thank you to the Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Lottery for their continued support of the Oregon Regional Teacher of the Year program!
Regional Teachers of the Year are nominated by students, colleagues, administrators, friends or family members. Regional winners were identified through a local nomination, application and selection process facilitated by the 19 Education Service Districts around the state. Thank you, Douglas ESD.
Jessica Norton is joined by Oregon Lottery representatives, following the surprise celebration.
For more information about Oregon’s Teacher of the Year program, visit